Taking time to celebrate what God has already done will provide you with faith and expectancy in your future pursuits.

Each game day, take at least 15 minutes in the presence of God and do two things:

1. Reflect on all God’s blessings thus far.

Think about:

• the doors God opened to allow you to play this game

• the doors He closed to allow you to play this game

• the tears cried and the adversity overcome

Go back to a time when you were younger and playing this game was just a prayer, a distant dream you didn’t even know was going to come true.

Go back to a moment when the obstacle that lay between you and your dream appeared so big that you did not believe you could overcome it. Yet here you are, living out your dream.

As you do this, simply thank God for all He has done, and share this moment with Him.

2. Identify one person God used to help you be able to play in today’s game and live out your dreams.

a. Once you identify that person, pray to God, thanking Him for that person and their contribution.

b. Pray for that person and their family.

c. Ask God never to allow you to forget their contribution.

d. In God’s presence, reflect on what that person did specifically. Determine how you can honor their contribution by how you compete on the court and the character you conduct yourself with off the court.

e. Text that person, and thank them for what they’ve done for you. Let them know how appreciative you are for their contribution to your success.

The same God who heard and answered that prayer is the same God who will transport you from where you are now to where you are praying to go on the court and in every other area of your life. By taking time to celebrate what God has already done, you will learn faith and expectancy in your future pursuits.

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