Post Who You Are

📶Drake rapped in Pound Cake, "you know you're real when you are who you think you are." Much the same, you know you're real when you are who you tweet you are (or post, tweet flowed better).

‼️ What I mean by that is that so many conform to what they may be called to change in the social media space.

🖨I refuse to be the ol' head that thinks social media is toxic and needs to be canceled. While social media is often harmful and can be a distraction, it can also be used for good such as inspiring, encouraging, and celebrating others along with expressing yourself by allowing your one-of-a-kind light to shine on the world around you.

🔦For that light to shine and for you to utilize your social media influence and platform, I encourage you to post you, the real you, the you that God made for you to be.

🗣The way I see it, when God made you, He customized you as His 1 of 1, and if that's the case when I see you be it in social media or in real life, I should see something I haven't quite seen before.

🤝Challenging and encouraging you to embrace the "1 of 1-ness" that God has gifted you with and calling on you to (positively) change what you have been conforming to.

😱I know it can be intimidating to be unique, but that's what you were created to be. So as you commit to pursuing your uniqueness, keep in mind what Deion Sanders said in his hall of fame speech. "People don't condone what they have never seen, and things I was created to do they had never seen."

🅿️If Deion had been bothered by others' approval, he would have never gone on to be the best defensive back in the history of the world. Makes me wonder what you could go on to do if you, like Deion, become your great and unique self unapologetically.

Nick Graham