We don't lose. We Learn.

😤 I don't lose. I learn.

🗣Talk your talk Ced!

⛹🏽‍♂️My boy and my former teammate Ced Clark, who is now a senior VP for Wal-Mart, told me that the other day.

🧗He told me that was one of the ingredients that allowed him to climb the corporate ladder, from an hourly employee to senior executive for one of the world's most profitable and recognizable brands.

🔑Ced told me his mantra allowed him to transition from being careful to being dareful.

❗️He explained that he knew to make the underdogs climb from where he was to where he desired to go required him to learn many lessons, and many of the lessons he needed to know required him to fail.

💡As long as he was being "careful," he'd never learn the lessons needed, but once he committed to being "dareful," he began to climb up the ladder. 

🤜🏾🤛🏾Let's all steal Ced's recipe for smashing success and commit to being dareful.

Nick Graham